Min young Kim
Visual Artist/Lecturer/XR developer
lives and works in Seoul

Minyoung Kim focuses on how image and information technology distort, create, and commodify the everyday sensory experiences of individuals. She produces simulative apparatuses that blend various synesthetic media including video, simulation, XR, performance, and contemporary dance to explore the interactions mediated by today's technological environment, such as chance and reproduction, human and non-human, experience and memory, and the relationship between existence and the virtual.

김민영은 이미지와 정보 기술이 개인의 일상 감각을 왜곡, 생성, 상품화하는 것에 주목한다. 영상, 시뮬레이션, XR, 퍼포먼스, 현대 무용 등 다양한 공감각적 매체를 혼합한 시뮬레이션 장치를 제작하여 오늘날 기술환경이 매개하는 우연과 재현, 인간과 비인간, 경험과 기억, 실존과 가상의 관계를 탐구한다.

2016/18    MA Moving Image, Royal College of Art
2010/16    BFA Fashion Design, Ewha Womans University

Residencies & Grants
2023    Art and Technology Convergence Support Program, Arts Council Korea (ARKO), Seoul
2022    ZERO1NE Creator, Hyundai Motors, Seoul
2022    Art Support Program, Seoul foundation for Art and Culture (SFAC), Seoul
2022    Art and Technology Convergence Support Program, Arts Council Korea (ARKO), Seoul
2021    ZERO1NE Creator, Hyundai Motors, Seoul
2020    Relax Digital Commission 2020, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London
2020    The Young Creatives Grant, Art Center Nabi and Korea Creative Content Agency, Seoul
2019    Relax Digital Commission 2020, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London
2018    DAR(Digital Artist Residency), online
2017    Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris

Selected Group Exhibition
2024    《Forking Room 2024: Hyper Super X-Large Boom!》, Post Territory Ujeongguk, Seoul
2023    《Generation that Generates》, Art Center Nabi, Seoul
2023    《ZER01NE Day 2023》, Seongsu S Factory, Seoul
2022    《Art&Tech Salon》, Arts Council Korea (ARKO), online showcase
2022    《ZER01NE Day 2022》, Seongsu S Factory, Seoul
2022    (Duo Exhibition) 《Giant Whisper》, C.ENTER, Seoul
2022    《AI with Weird Wonderland》, Celine Park Gallery, Seoul
2021    《JOURNEYS: THE HEALING ARTS》, Saatchi Gallery, London
2021    《ZER01NE Day 2021》, online showcase
2021    《Nextrise》 (Tech Conference), COEX, Seoul
2020    《Play on AI》, Art Center Nabi , Seoul
2018    《Transmission Pit》, The Lancaster Vaults, Southampton
2018    《Between Things》, Catalyst Arts, Belfast 
2018    《Show RCA》, Royal College of Art, London
2018    《SOAPBOX》, Close Up Cinema, London
2018    Open Screening, Whitechapel Gallery, London
2017    Open Studios, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris
2017    《Small Press Project》, UCL, London

2023    《Alain》, QUAD Theatre, Seoul

2023    Yaloo , game engine simulation
2023    Dongjoo Seo , game engine simulation  
2022    Dongjoo Seo , game engine simulation
2021    Jangwon Lee , Mixed Reality develop

2024    Korea National Contemporary Dance Company, Dance X Technology Creation Lab, Seoul
2024    Forking room Research Zine, Seoul
2023    ZER01NE Z-Lab, Seoul
2021    Wanderlust: Research and development using the Korean Emotion Recognition Database, KAISTx Art Centre Nabi
2021   Open Lab, Art Center Navi, Seoul  

2024    Lecturer, Department of Art and Technology at Sogang University
2024    Lecturer, Department of Design and Technology at Hanyang University
2024    Guest Lecturer, Department of Photography at Kaywon University of Arts and Design    
2023    Lecturer, Department of Visual and Film Design at Konkuk University
2023    Guest Lecturer, Department of Film Design at Kaywon University of Arts and Design    
2018    One-day Teaching Fellow, Print and Time-Based Media Course at Wimbledon College of Art