Still from Hide and Seek: Looking and Loving (Film Version)

SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) data from SPOT

Recordings from the showcase at ZER01NE day 2021

Hide and Seek: Looking and Loving  숨바꼭질2021
AR multiplayer game with the four-legged walking robot, SPOT

Commissioned by ZER01NE

"Hide and Seek: Looking and Loving" explores human-AI relationships through an AR installation featuring the quadrupedal robot SPOT. By transforming SPOT's industrial monitoring capabilities into a multiplayer game, the work reveals the asymmetrical nature of robot-human visual perception. As participants navigate between detection zones and blind spots in this mixed reality environment, surveillance mechanisms are reimagined as spaces of playful intimacy.

"숨바꼭질"은 4족 보행 로봇을 활용한 AR 설치를 통해 인간-AI 관계를 탐구한다. 산업용 로봇의 모니터링 기능을 멀티플레이어 게임으로 전환하여 로봇-인간 간 시각적 인식의 비대칭적 특성을 드러낸다. 참여자들이 혼합현실 환경에서 감지 영역과 사각지대를 탐색하는 과정으로 숨바꼭질 게임을 수행하며, 감시의 메커니즘을 유희적 친밀성의 공간으로 재설정한다.

ZER01NE day2021

AR/Game Design: Min young Kim
Robot Engineering: Yejin Kim, Sunho Jang, Junyoung Kim
Telecommunication: Dohyeok Lee
